You must have seen algorithm updates by Google from time to time. What’s the idea behind it? The purpose is to adjust results pages so that these can serve the users better than before. One of the most recent of these updates is the Google Search helpful content update (2022).
What is Google Search helpful Content all about?
Google Search has worked consistently to provide quality information to its users. This is why it launched the “helpful content update”. The reason was to offer meaningful, helpful, and original content for people so as to satisfy their queries. In short, the update seeks to show people content that is written for them, and not for search engines.
So, the update will reward content that has provided users with a satisfying experience. Content that has not met reader expectations is not rewarded. When you have a website, how can you be sure you are producing content which will match the requirements of the new update? For that, you need to conform to their guidelines when creating content. Creators of people-first content will focus on producing satisfying content besides using top-of-the-line SEO techniques to add more value to this content for searchers.
How does it work?
The helpful content update generates a site-wide signal, one among many signals that are taken into account to rank web pages. The system will identify low-value content which isn’t helpful for searchers. Sites that have “unhelpful” content are not likely to perform well when there are other sites displaying superior content. In short, if you can remove unhelpful content, you could improve rankings.
Google’s new helpful content update is automated and uses a machine-learning model that can work across different languages. If a site has unhelpful content, but other signals identify its content as helpful and relevant, it could still rank high.
So, how can you make your website benefit from this? While writing content for a variety of topics can be tempting, the update asks you to avoid this practice. When you create content beyond your niche, it doesn’t offer much knowledge or value to your readers. Rather, it can confuse them because the content may not relate to their products at all. According to the update, your site content should aim to give answers to reader queries. Identify customer pain points and solutions they are looking for, and then create content to satisfy queries.
Ref URL : Google Content Update